Business directory website
Business directory website | What is the business directory website? –Business directory website is a website or media listing of information for listing all business within a group.

What is the business directory website?
The business directory is a website or media listing of information, for listing all business within a group. Business Directory is listed by business type, locality, activity, volume, size. It is an online version of the yellow page.
Details provided in Business Directory may vary, like as Business name, Addresses, Telephone numbers, Location, Contact Information, Type of service or Products the business provides, Number of employees, The served region, alphabetically by industry, and any professional association.
Today’s many business directories based on the internet, and away from the printed format. Business directories have its own search function and it enables the user to search business by Zip Code, country, state, area or city. The business directory helps users search for companies, services or products in their area in a more targeted way.
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How many types of directory website?
- Article directory website
- Automotive directory website
- Business directory website
- Coupons/deals directory website
- Contact directory website
- City Directory website/Local Directories
- Classifieds directory websites
- Events directory websites or Events Portals
- Hotel/restaurant/cuisine directory websites
- Job directory websites or online Job portals
- Review directory website
- Real estate directory websites
- Travel directory websites
- Video Directory website
- Yellow pages directory website

What is the benefit of the business directory website?
Benefits of the business directory website:
- Amplifies online presence
- Improve local visibility
- Help to Get Found More
- Use word of mouth
- Improve business reputation
- increase brand awareness
- Boost your SEO
- Rank higher on google
- Cost Effective
- Marketing grow rapidly
- Easiest, cheapest
- Good return on investment
- Low maintenance
- It’s professional
- Affordable publicity
- Increase website traffic
- Directory Websites are Versatile
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What is the List of business directories?
- Apple Maps
- Google My Business
- LinkedIn Company Directory
- Bing
- Yelp
- Better Business Bureau
- Foursquare
- MapQuest
- HubSpot
- Yellow Pages
- Angies List
- Yahoo
- Manta
- Merchant Circle
- Super Pages
- Yellow Book
- Thumbtack
- Local.com
- Kudzu.com
- Hot Frog
- Communitywalk.com
- Brownbook.net
- Tupalo.com
- La Cartes
- 2findlocal.com
- ezlocal.com
- ebusinesspages.com
- Spoke
- Chamberofcommerce.com
- City Squares
- Cylex USA
- yelloyello.com
- worldweb.com
- ibegin.com
- Get Fave
- Fyple.com
- Company.com
- Call Up Contact
- Finduslocal.com
- My Huckleberry
- Hub.biz
- where2go.com
- City Insider
- n49.com
- My Sheriff
- opendi.us
- Bizhwy.com
- Smartguy.com
- Wherezit.com
- DiscoverOurTown.com
- Nexport.com
- USdirectory.com
- Wowcity.com
- Bizadee
- Wand.com

How to create a Business Directory Website With WordPress?
Step-by-step mention, how to create a business directory website using WordPress theme:
- Decide the Domain name
- Get Domain and Hosting
- Get a WordPress Directory Theme
- Install Your WordPress Directory Website Theme
- Install the Necessary WordPress Plugins
- Import the Demo Content
- Edit Your WordPress Directory Theme Pages
- Replace Listing Information With Your Own
- Configure and Customize the Directory Theme Settings
- Launch Your Own Directory Website!
But before this make sure to Focus On Quality, Search and Filter Options, Front-End Submission Form, and Integrate With a Payment Processor.

What are the important features for the business directory website?
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Listed below are the important feature of business directory website:
- Google Map Geolocation
- Google Map Styling
- Google Map Cluster
- Multiple Point
- Ajax Features
- Mail Template System
- Front End Upload System
- Social Login System
- Paypal Recurring and Direct Payments
- Paypal IPN System
- Order Tracking System
- Responsive Layout
- Revolution Slider
- Customizable Item Details
- Google reCaptcha
- Review System
- Claim/Report Listing System
- WPML Support
- Localization

- dsiIDX Plugin Compatible
- bbpress Compatible
- Live Chat integration.
- Search Engine Submission
- Highly customizable script
- Business Directory CMS
- Create categories from the admin panel with lots of preloaded categories
- Locate your business in google map.
- Google Street Map View
- Sort businesses for better viewing purpose.
- View and manage all your users with their listed businesses.
- Review for each business with Star Rating Options.
- Enable/disable user Sign up from the admin panel.
- Enable/disable payment for Sign Up option from the admin panel.
- Create and modify as many packages as you like for posts and featured businesses
- Multi-language support.
- Auto-translation using Google API.
- Create and customize widgets
Easy backup system of your product - Easy management of your blog, news and article section from the admin panel
- Earn money by making a business featured with the payment option.
- Bank transfer option for manual entry of businesses
- Edit and adjust automated email texts (confirmation, recovery, etc.) to suit your needs.
- SEO support with SEO friendly URLs and customizable meta text and keywords for your pages.
- Tag Support for businesses with a search on custom tags.

- Google AdSense support for earning extra money
- Google Analytics support
- Embed YouTube or Vimeo videos for your businesses to display detailed information
- Built-in Sitemap generator with an XML file
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