Looking for food ordering system in Bhopal. MaMITs is best known company to develop website and mobile application for online food ordering system in bhopal.
In today’s world of E-Commerce, numerous online business models are growing up and giving a new wave of startups. Many different businesses had already approached to their digital version. In all such, one of the major fastest growing websites and application are Online Food Ordering System.
These websites and applications are the direct links between the hotels and customers. These websites provides you the amazing platform to reach out to the large number of people very efficiently. However, in order to ensure that your online business flourishes smoothly and successfully, you need to have significant features in your website and application. To make your website and application stand apart in various technical fields; we, at MaMITs, are all here to assist you. We’ll help you out in your ambition of making your business successful by providing you the best online platform for your business.

Why Online Food Ordering System Are Required?
In this era of Digitalization, getting anything online is not a great deal and so with the Food Industry also. Technology has contributed in it greatly by bringing everything at the tip of our fingers. Consumers prefer getting everything delivered to their doorsteps. That’s why the food ordering apps are so popular.
For the restaurant owners, the food delivery apps and websites are direct marketing channels that help them to connect to a large number of consumers at the same time. These websites and applications will boost up your business. Food delivery market is booming, and here, at MAMITs, we are shaping it in new ways. By using a mobile app, you can get ahead of your competitors by providing a great user experience and removing any need of a call or use of computer.
Which Programming Language Is Best For Food Ordering System?
It is totally depends upon customer requirement. If you want ready-made solution for your food ordering website. We also have the solution. Food ordering module is available on following programming language: PHP (7.X), Framework: LARAVEL (5.X).
Again question arises, why we choose ready-made solution or PHP programming language or laravel framework?
Let’s discuss this step by step.

Why Choose Ready-made Solution For Food Ordering System?
If you are planning to develop food delivery module then you have two options, either to go with custom or readymade solution. Both option is best for you but the only problem face i.e.; time. Now days’ time is very important in the fastest growing world. So, to save your time go to readymade solution. Most of you think if you go with readymade solution then extra module addition is not possible. This time you are wrong, because in readymade solution you also have ability to add any module. All this happen because of the programming language that we use. Now let’s talk about the programming language PHP.
Why PHP Programming Language Is Best For Food Ordering System?
There are many reasons to use php for server side programming. PHP programming language is secured, fast and reliable and compatible with many different databases. So we can say that it php language is so stretchable. PHP is open-source, so it is cost effective. After development, toughest work is to test module. If you develop your software on php then no need to hire developer for testing your module. PHP is much easier; you can test this module easily and fast.
As you know we develop the food delivery module on php language and laravel framework.

Why Laravel Framework Is Best For Food Ordering System?
Laravel is better than other frameworks because of its advanced features and development tools. It makes development process simplify with clean and reusable code.
It provides a simple way to organize authorization logic and control access to resources.
Object-oriented libraries
We have artisan tool for command-line that helps to minimize the repetitive and tedious programming tasks.
Mvc support allows better documentation, and has multiple built-in functionalities.
The most important part of development is security, laravel uses hashed password for high security.
Testing of application in laravel is very easy because laravel provide by default application. Which itself contains tests that detect and prevent regressions in the framework.
What Is The Working Of Food Ordering System Website And Mobile App:
These projects or systems have two types of users. One is customer and the another one is administrator.
Customers can order and search their food online. They can choose it over internet and can make payments through credit card or offline (cash on delivery) too.
The management staff can update the records of various food items with their cost, name and images.
Restaurant staff can manage their orders online and upload item records also. They can update delivered item records through online.
Customers could send their queries via app or website if they have any. Admin and customers can chat for other information.

Let’s discuss about the feature that available on food ordering system.
We have four panels for online food ordering system:
- Admin panel
- Frontend website or Web app
- User mobile app
- Delivery boy mobile app
- Shop Panel or Vendor mobile app
In mobile application we have Android and IOS both solutions available. And totally food ordering module is responsive (mobile friendly), fast, code optimized, and easy to use.
Basically admin panel is a platform where admin can manage all the activities that done by user/customer, delivery boy, shop manager. Admin have full access to see the activities of user, delivery boy & shop manager and edit the data.
There are the following features of admin panel:
- Admin get a panel, after login dashboard open.
- Dashboard: Here display analytics of product sale. Also available total number of order received, total number of order delivered, total earning, monthly earning and recent order list.
- We have a section to manage pending order, accepted order, ongoing order and cancelled order. All the data display in list view.
- Admin can see the user’s cancellation data, refund data and complaint. And also resolve the problem of customer by sending message to that particular user.
- Admin can see the delivery boy cancellation data and complaint. And also resolve the problem of customer by sending message to that particular user.
- Admin can see the restaurant’s cancellation data, and complaint. And also resolve the problem of customer by sending message to that particular user.
- Admin have access to add new restaurant. To add new restaurant admin have all data of that restaurant. To add require name of restaurant, email id, cuisine, contact details, password, address, map, offers, product price, time to deliver the product in particular area, images, description, Working hour, etc.
- Multiple categories and product add, edit and delete option. And we have option to download directly in csv, excel and pdf format or print that data.
- Admin have access to add delivery boy. To add new delivery boy, admin have the all data of that delivery boy. To add require name of boy, email id, photo, password, address, map, contact number etc.
- Delivery boy have option to schedule the time of working eg : part time, full time and 4 hour or many more.
- To add new order manager, name, email, phone number, profile photo and password required. All order manager display in list view.
- Add and delete option for cuisines.
- Available promo code to provide more offer to our valuable customer. To add new promo code we have some features like: Promo Code, Discount, Usage Limit Per Coupon, Usage Limit Per User, Promo code Type (amount or percentage), Promo code Type (added or expired), Available From, and Expire Date.
- Admin can send message to the registered user or send to single customer.
- All the registered user display in admin panel in list view. Here name of user, email, image, contact details and rating displays. Or admin can add new user.
- Some important pages available, Example: About Us, Contact Us, FAQ, Privacy Policy, T&C, Cancellation and Refund and more pages.
- Newsletter Option
- Delivery boy and restaurant enquiry list.
Front End is for user interface, where users can make order.
- Use unlimited banner for your web app.
- Slider, carousel and grid view.
- Auto live location option
- Login and signup page
- Search option
- Checkout page
- My Account section in which order, history, address, wish list, payment, promotion details and change password option available.
- Social media login
- Push notification
- In user mobile app, we have solution for both Android & IOS. Let you know the features that available in android and IOS mobile app.
- Both application are user friendly, eye-catch layout and easy to operate.
- This module totally works on location base. Here we have option to display restaurant list location wise. Example: If any user live in Bhopal (xyz location), than user can see the nearby restaurant first.
- In user mobile app, there is section for offer. Where user / customer can get latest offer that created by admin side.
- Filter option available for customer. Where various option, example: select cuisine, price filter etc.
- Sign up option:

To signup we have to follow various steps:
- Enter phone number, after get OTP to that entered phone number, submit OTP.
- After submitting, fill personal details like name, email, and password. Location is automatically fetch when user accept on location.
- Login Option:
First you sign up no need to again sign up. You can use the same number again and again for shopping.
To login we have only enter the number and password.
Social Login is also available.
- User gets a dashboard where many option available for user convenient. User checks the orders detail with price, list of food and date of order. Option to add or change for address, payment, and password. Promo code section where user gets best offers. Add favorite restaurant or food item for next order.
- Add to cart option, in this we can add multiple foods to purchase at a single time.
- Check out page where we can easily purchase our desired food.
- Payment gateway integration or cash on delivery module.
- Section on checkout page to apply Promo code. Where get highly discount on your delicious food.
- Push notification module
- Search area to search restaurant, food etc.
- Chat to order manager
- Cancel option
- After installation, allow the location for delivery and access media on device, allow to take picture and record video.
- To sign up new delivery boy, enter phone number and get otp, enter that OTP. And done signup successful.
- Enter some details for confirmation, details include: name, email and password.
- After sign up allow to access phone call.
- After signup the module is runs on your mobile until logout.
- Delivery boy now get a dashboard where all activities display.
- User gets a unique id. Set your working hour and on the basis of that you get your salary.
- All the orders directly come to your mobile, after delivery done delivery boy get confirmation.
- Rating and review option
- Push notification
- Multi language support
- Order history available in delivery boy dashboard.
- Check in\out Option
- Login and signup option:
To sign up new vendor, enter phone number and get otp, enter that OTP. And signup has done successful.
Enter some details for confirmation, details include: name, email and password.
- Get a dashboard in which show order received, order delivered, total earning, monthly earning, product sale, recent deliveries, recent orders.
- Section to manage incoming order, accepted order, ongoing order, cancel order, and also display pending list.
- Add restaurant details: name, email, cuisine, phone, password, status, opening time, banner, offer, maximum delivery time, location with map
- Add unlimited product and categories
- Order history area where customer name, delivery people, address, cost, and status display.
- User friendly search bar
- Manage Promo code
- Manage Push Notification

What Is The Main Feature Of Food Ordering System:
Listed below is the main feature list of food ordering system:
Search Menu: App must contain search option, so that your customer could search for different restaurants, cafes, bars, etc by location and cuisines.
Order Placement: User can easily place the order and dishes from mobile.
Tracking your Driver: Your app must contain this feature of tracking driver in real-time.
Payment Integration feature: With the help of this feature you can allow your users to make their payments through credit/debit card or through any other options too.
Notifications: Push Notifications will help in growing your app substantially.
Rewards and Discounts programs: It will help in attracting new customers to your app. Besides this, your existing customers also enjoy these services.
Multiple Platforms: It is obvious that you want everyone to notice your app, after you develop your app. So you can access to various platforms like App store and Google play to make the availability of your app on each platform. You should maintain the quality of your app on each platform and for this you can contact to the restaurant app development company like MAMITS.
Table Reservation: You can add this feature in your food ordering website or app for the better services at your restaurant. This feature will enable you to be more efficient and also helps your customers for the better experience and no waste of time.
Staff Management: After developing such app, you can nicely handle your staff too. This feature will ensure that your restaurant is never underemployed or over employed. You can easily track their performance also by keeping all the data required.
Influencer Marketing: It’s just a extension of mouth-to-mouth marketing. You can take the advantage of this feature to boost your multi restaurant delivery services.
Gamification: These options in your application will help you to keep users engage in app and pay more attention towards services and company.
Social-Media Integration: To grab the large amount of audience, social media is the best place. You can also use social sites for the advertisement of hotel. You can promote your company by posting about your loyalty and discount programs also.
Personalization: In this facility, app tracks and analyzes user’s activities and behavior and suggests products and services accordingly.
Feedback Portal: On this portal, customers can review the services and products of restaurant. They can give suggestions also which will be helpful for the restaurant owner to enhance the quality of various services.
Chat-Box: To maintain the healthy customer and service provider relationship it will be a great feature. You can easily know the pros and cons of your company and its services.

Why You Should Only opt MaMITs For Developing Your Restaurant Based (Food Ordering System) Application And Website?
We provide you the best services regarding website development and its features.
We complete your project with full dedication and hard work.
Here you will get all latest features for your website and application.
Only here you will get your website and app at very affordable rates.
All Latest Feature Free Updates Life Time.