What is ecommerce? | Types of ecommerce – MaMITs
What is ecommerce? ecommerce stands for buying and selling of goods and services over the internet. There are 6 types of ecommerce: B2B, B2C, C2C, C2B, B2A, C2A.
What is ecommerce?
- The full form ecommerce is Electronics Commerce.
- Commerce means buying and selling of goods and services.
- Electronics Commerce stands for buying and selling of goods and services over an electronic network, electronic network means internet.
- Or we can say that the transmitting of funds or data, over the internet.
- The most popular example of eCommerce is online shopping.
- E-commerce refers to commercial transactions conducted online.
- E-payment system is used in eCommerce.
- It is a paperless exchange of business information using Email, EDI, electronic funds transfer, etc.
- The consumer can find and buy easily what they want and this is possible only when our purchasing process is easy and user-friendly.
- In 2020 retail market growing fast and projected to hit $4.058 trillion, this is possible only because of eCommerce.
Types of ecommerce:-
- Business-To-Business or B2B
- Business-To-Consumers or B2C
- Consumer-To-Consumer or C2C
- Consumer-To-Business or C2B
- Business-To-Administration or B2A
- Consumer-To-Administration or C2A
Business-To-Business or B2B:
- In b2b two or more companies doing business to each other.
- For example- Manufacturer company sells their product to wholesalers or Wholesalers selling their product to retailers.
Business-To-Consumers or B2C:
- In b2c business, companies sell their product to the consumer.
- For example- Taste Of Indore, Rnx Shop, Gifts 100, Mizaz E Bhopal
Consumer-To-Consumer or C2C:
- In C2C eCommerce consumer sell their product online to another consumer.
- For example- Property Guru, Top 10 India
Consumer-To-Business or C2B:
- In C2B e-commerce consumer sell their product or idea to companies.
Business-To-Administration or B2A:
- In B2A e-commerce transaction conducted between companies and government or public administration.
Consumer-To-Administration or C2A:
- In C2A e-commerce transactions conducted online between individual consumers and public administration or government.
What is eCommerce? | Types of ecommerce – MaMITs
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